
Truly good interior design is an art form. In order to perfect our art form, our team has been trained in various forms of design and art. This allows us to pull from a variety of styles that best suit each project we work on. We work with each client to create a collaborative partnership process which allows clients to provide inputs while we show them what is ideal. We are first and foremost an interior design firm, but also provide renovation services, furnishing and temporary interiors.

What We Do

In the initial design consultation, we have a very straightforward process. The primary goal of this first engagement is to develop the vision for it.

We are proud to offer the ability to work with you whether you wish to do up a new space ,refurnish a few rooms or completely renovate.

Truly good interior design is an art form. In order to perfect our art form, our team has been trained in various forms of design and art.

Once the client has agreed to the budget, timeline, scope of the work and other matters, we are able to initiate the project. It may take a few more sittings to come to the final look.

In the same way. Always. Asking a million questions, finding out about you. Your wants and your needs, your loves and your hates.Your lifestyle.

Client Share

Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre


We believe that good design is problem solving and every project is approached with enthusiasm as we strive to create the perfect living/working environments for our clients.

Contact Us

SQFT INTERIORS Sri Nivas Apts, 2nd Floor,Flat No 5, #21,I Block, Annanagar East, CHENNAI-600 102. Manpreet:98400 87950 Bhavna:98400 87924 Office:044-26221085|044-26211085
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